Staff and Trustees
Our groups are run by experienced staff who specialise in early years education. They have a wealth of experience between them and all have enhanced CRB clearance. All of our full time permanent staff are trained to at least level 3 in child development and hold paediatric first aid certificates which are refreshed every three years.
Business Manager Joyce Sprason - Deputy DSL
Session Managers Angela Aldridge - DSL
Dawn Long - SENCO
Lesley Tromans - Health & Safety Officer
Play Assistants Denise Heeks
Leonie Aldridge
Lauren Ricketts
Sam Ayres
Natasha Brooks
Jade Iles
Emma Beresford
Vicki Thomson
Helping Hands Jenna Knowles
Tracey Danter
Midday Supervisors Mel Nicholls
Claire Lane
Mrs Emma Hancox Chair
Mrs Allison Booth Vice Chair & Secretary
Mrs Sam Morgan Treasurer
Ms Julie Sherwood Trustee