Northway Infant School

Northway Infant School

Where Children Shine

Virginia Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8PT

01684 293447

Orange Class

A few of my Favourite Things


Autumn 2024

Below is an outline of what we will be teaching this term and this terms knowledge organiser with key knowledge we want the children to retain.

Outdoor Learning

This term we have enjoyed our weekly outdoor learning sessions. These have encompassed working together with our peers as we have used different tools, explored the changing seasons, challenged ourselves and assessed our own risk. We really enjoyed our fire at the end of half term, which led to some super language and poetry.


In science we have been learning about and using our senses to explore the world around us. Our senses are amazing and we have been exploring how they also help to keep us safe. We had great fun, on listening walks, visual treasure hunts, smell and tasing challenge sessions and were amazed at how many objects we could identify by touch or sound alone.  The next half of this term we are exploring different materials and their properties, so watch this space!


In computing we have been learning about programming and algorithms. We began by programming each other with simple instructions to move from one location to another and discovered that sometimes our ‘algorithms’ - sets of instructions, need be de-bugged. We used small programable robots called Bee-Bots to solve problems. This included writing and programming algorithms to reach buried treasure on a large treasure map and by predicting where our Bee-Bots would end up by looking at different algorithms and de-bugging any errors.


In RE this term, we have explored the meaning of community and the different community groups we can belong to. We have begun learning about the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths and learnt about their special symbols and the ways in which people are welcomed into their communities such as christening, baptism and Aqiqah ceremonies.


‘What a Wonderful World’ is not only a song that has been a starting point in music this term but is also a theme that we have kept returning to in Year One, as we have delighted in exploring our surroundings with our senses. We have really enjoyed learning about Louis Armstrong, Jazz music, its origins and the different instruments used. We have continued to develop our understanding of pitch, tempo, dynamics and texture within music and experimented with these as we have played a variety of instruments. We have even created our own version of ‘What a wonderful World’ using soundscapes and creating our own lyrics. 

Kings, Queens, Castles and Knights

Summer 1 2024

Below is an outline of what we will be teaching this term and this terms knowledge organiser with key knowledge we want the children to retain.

Feet, flight, feathers and fins

Spring 2024

Below is an outline of what we will be teaching this term and this terms knowledge organisers with key knowledge we want the children to retain.


We have been exploring hot and cold places of the world.  We have loved opportunities to immerse ourselves in cold places through our role play and small world areas and enjoyed our core text 'The Emperor's Egg' in English.   We have used atlas's and a globe to locate and name hot and cold places in the world.   We have looked at the features of these places and really Excelled in our Star challenge. 


We listened to the traditional African Story ‘The Spider Weaver’ and learnt about the origins of Kente Cloth. We learnt about how cloth was made before learning to weave and creating our own cloth with strips of paper. Then we designed our own motifs and used these to create repeating patterns which we used to decorate our own ‘Kente Cloth’. Weaving was quite tricky but we are so proud of our finished cloth!



In Computing this term we have become ‘Digital Artists’. We have used different software to create our own digital art that has been inspired by the artists Matisse, Kandinsky and Mondrian. We have used Brushes Redux and Sketchbook apps and learnt how to create, transform and layer images. We have also learnt to save our work and have then gone back in to edit and improve it.

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